Reflective Supervision

Reflective Supervision is increasingly seen as an essential element contributing to effective practice and professional development in the early childhood and home visiting field. Effective Reflective Supervision strengthens the relationship between supervisors and home visitors, builds staff skills and promotes high quality service delivery.β€― EIV offers the Reflective Supervisor programs to our Virginia Early Childhood Home Visitors and family support professionals. If you’d like more information, reach out to

Reflective Supervision 1.0

New to the role of Supervisor? Looking for information and support to help you transition to the role of supervisor within your home visiting program? The Institute for Family Support Professionals has great resources to support and guide you on this journey.   

Hiring and retaining well-qualified, competent staff is critical to program success. Reflective supervision is increasingly seen as an essential element contributing to effective practice and professional development in the early childhood home visiting field. Effective Reflective Supervision strengthens the relationship between supervisors and home visitors, builds staff skills and promotes high quality service delivery.

Reflective Supervision 1.0 Modules available on The Institute:

Reflective Supervision 2.0

Early Impact Virginia is providing intensive Reflective Supervision training and coaching for Home Visiting Program Supervisors throughout the Commonwealth. Reflective supervision is increasingly seen as an essential element contributing to effective practice and professional development in the early childhood and home visiting field. RS supports programs to provide services in ways that support healthy parent–child relationships and optimal growth and development. It encourages staff and family wellbeing by promoting supervisor strategies to model positive goal oriented relationships and addresses program goals and outcomes along with family goals. Finally, RS helps reduce the secondary impacts of the work such as burnout, secondary traumatic stress and turnover of staff and maintains the quality and impact of services.

This training project is part of a long-term strategy to not only promote best practice, but also to develop career ladder opportunities for home visiting program staff and build local capacity to sustain/expand services through Medicaid reimbursement. The training will enhance supervisory skills, improve service delivery, and offer opportunities for career advancement. Using the Reflective Interaction Observation Scale (RIOS) as a framework, participants will learn about Reflective Supervision within an Infant Mental Health context.

Through a combination of in-person training and virtual small group support, this 20 month learning community will grow your reflective supervision skills and deepen your knowledge of infant mental health principles. The first year builds a strong foundation of infant mental health principles and reflective skills. The second year allows supervisors to receive ongoing support and feedback as they work to master these new skills.

Reflective Supervision 3.0

Reflective Supervision has benefitted programs in a variety of ways. It has been found to reduce the secondary impacts of the work such as burnout, secondary traumatic stress and turnover of staff. Have you ever wondered how your reflective supervisor peers are doing? Are you looking for ways to connect with other reflective supervisors? Are you in a position where you are providing reflective supervision to staff members, but you aren’t receiving reflective supervision yourself? In the true experience of the parallel process, RS 3.0 trainers will support reflective supervisors in the field, who can then support home visitors, who can support parents who support their child. 

RS 3.0 consists of both in-person and virtual connection sessions for supervisors who are providing reflective supervision across Virginia.