Shaping the future of
Home Visiting in Virginia

Fostering collaboration and delivering measurable outcomes for families and family support professionals statewide.

Early childhood home visiting is a voluntary program where trained professionals provide personalized parenting support, health screenings, and developmental check-ins to families with young children at home, empowering parents and promoting children's well-being.

Early Impact Virginia serves as the Commonwealth’s central authority on maternal, infant, and early childhood home visiting, ensuring that all pregnant and parenting families have access to high-quality home visiting services tailored to their unique needs.  We bring together the Commonwealth’s home visiting and early childhood leaders to develop the policies and systems that enable Virginia families to thrive.      

Since 2019, the Virginia General Assembly has charged us with leading the state’s home visiting efforts by 

◼︎ Determining, tracking and reporting on the key activities and outcomes annually 

◼︎ Conducting systematic and statewide needs assessments every three years 

◼︎ Supporting continuous quality improvement, training and coordination across Virginia’s home visiting programs 

40% fewer preterm births,
saving $70,000 per child

93% of enrolled families report stronger relationships

$1 invested saves
up to $5.70 in future costs

Boosting early literacy and school readiness

Our Mission

To advance and accelerate the equitable and sustainable growth of maternal, infant and early childhood home visiting in Virginia.  


A future where all children grow up healthy, loved and ready to learn in thriving families and strong, supportive communities.